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Who we are

About Us

For Kids’ Sake International (FKSI) is an international fundraising project that provides underprivileged children and  families with basic needs and education. Through our assistance, thousands of lives are transformed in some of the poorest countries in the world. FKSI also strives to create financial sustainability by supporting local cottage industries.

For Kids’ Sake International exists because of a promise.

Our Mission

The Mission 

The For Kids’ Sake International mission is to support, educate, and empower underprivileged children, orphans, students, and families for the provision of food, clothing, shelter, healthcare, and education.

The Vision

In order to realize the greatest human potential, we must first meet certain basic necessities. It is the birthright of every human being to be guaranteed the opportunity to work for food, clothing, shelter, education and health care. 


No one should suffer from lack of, or be denied these basic necessities due to illness, calamity, fate or greed. It is also the birthright of every human being to receive love and care, and to live in a clean environment which promotes growth and well-being without fear. 

The Work

For Kids’ Sake International (FKSI) currently supports six facilities of the Dayemi Foundation, our partner in Bangladesh, to provide food, clothing, shelter, education, healthcare and a safe environment for approximately 550 orphans. In addition, these sites host fully registered schools and offer Kindergarten through College level education to more than 4,000 children from surrounding villages.


Along with donations, FKSI-supported facilities are financially sustained by local, income-generating projects that include: aquaculture, dairy farming, fruit and vegetable farming, irrigation services, ferryboat service and village market rentals. As well, these projects also provide vocational training for the children. Currently, 130 Bangladeshis are employed by these facilities and projects of the Dayemi Foundation, helping to stimulate the local economy.

The Promise

Before his passing in 1995, Sayed Dayemullah entrusted this essential work to Sheikh Din. To keep the promise and support his predecessor’s work, Sheikh Din established “For Kids’ Sake,” the foundation for For Kids’ Sake International.


Today, FKSI is a non-profit organization supporting underprivileged children and families worldwide. Our original service projects in Bangladesh continue to flourish and daily operations are managed by the Dayemi Foundation, a fully registered Bangladeshi NGO.

The Foundation

For Kids’ Sake International is a United States based 501(c)3, not-for-profit organization. 

You Can Help These Kids Today

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