Host a Mixer
You can make a huge impact in the comfort of your own home by hosting a Mixer. Invite friends, family and colleagues to attend an illuminating presentation about For Kids’ Sake International and how they can get involved. These fundraisers typically fund an urgent project. Mingle, enjoy hors d’oeuvres and make this fundraiser a party! This is a simple event to host, yet it touches everyone who attends. If you're interested in being a host, please email us at info@forkidssakeintl.org or call 618-529-5044.

Pick a Date
Choose a day and time that works best for you and your guests. Please allow for six to eight weeks of planning.
Invite Your Guests
Create a guest list including friends, family, co-workers, and groups you are associated with. Typically, successful mixers have around 25 guests attend.
Send invitations. For Kids’ Sake International will create paper and electronic invitations for your event.
Make follow up calls and/or send emails several days before to get a final head count.
Create a Give Lively Page for people to give online if they can't attend. We will help you set this up.
Prepare an offering of food and beverages, such as appetizers and simple finger food. No alcohol, please.
The presentation will require a table and TV.
Have a second table available to display and sell beautiful handmade crafts from Bangladesh.
Be a Host
Greet guests as they arrive.
Share why you chose to host a Mixer, and why you specifically chose to invite everyone there.
The FKSI presentation will last about 20 minutes followed by a Q&A session.
After the presentation, refreshments will be served, guests can socialize and ask further questions.
Mixers usually last between 90 minutes to two hours.
Follow Up
Work with For Kids' Sake International team to send follow-up and thank you notes to everyone who was invited.